B. SIRIKEN Et Al. , "A REVIEW: GENERAL OUTLOOK ofCORONAVIRUS and SARS-CoV-2," In Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19) , Lyon: Livre de Lyon, 2020, pp.1-17.
SIRIKEN, B. Et Al. A REVIEW: GENERAL OUTLOOK ofCORONAVIRUS and SARS-CoV-2. 2020. In Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19) , Livre de Lyon, Lyon, 1-17.
SIRIKEN, B., BAŞKAN, C., & GÜLER, A., (2020). A REVIEW: GENERAL OUTLOOK ofCORONAVIRUS and SARS-CoV-2. Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19) (pp.1-17), Lyon: Livre de Lyon.
SIRIKEN, Belgin, CEREN BAŞKAN, And AYHAN GÜLER. "A REVIEW: GENERAL OUTLOOK ofCORONAVIRUS and SARS-CoV-2." In Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19) , 1-17. Lyon: Livre de Lyon, 2020
SIRIKEN, Belgin Et Al. "A REVIEW: GENERAL OUTLOOK ofCORONAVIRUS and SARS-CoV-2." Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19) , Livre de Lyon, 2020, pp.1-17.
SIRIKEN, B. BAŞKAN, C. And GÜLER, A. (2020) "A REVIEW: GENERAL OUTLOOK ofCORONAVIRUS and SARS-CoV-2", Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19) . Lyon: Livre de Lyon.
@bookchapter{bookchapter, author ={Belgin Sırıken Et Al. }, chaptertitle={A REVIEW: GENERAL OUTLOOK ofCORONAVIRUS and SARS-CoV-2}, booktitle={ Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19)}, publisher={Livre de Lyon}, city={Lyon},year={2020} }