Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Ondokuz Mayis University, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Eğitim Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı, Turkey
Approval Date: 2018
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: Bayram Özer
BThe purpose of this study is to investigate teachers' perceptions on local curriculum and analyze their needs related to localization of enacted life sciences curriculum. The scope of needs analysis is 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade class teachers in Samsun, Life Sciences Curriculum-2015, interview form and needs analysis questionairre. The study was conducted in 2015-2016 in Samsun. Qualitative and quantitative data collection methods are used to identify needs of teachers. Therefore, the research type of this study is mixed method. Interview form and needs analysis questionairre are developed and administered by the researcher. Needs analysis questionairre was administered 109 teachers in 16 schools and interviews were carried out with 10 teachers in 7 schools. Validity and reliability issues were established for both qualitative and quantitative part of the study by the frame of literature, expert opinions and pilot studies. Miles and Huberman's agreement percentages from two different coders were calculated as .82. According to the results of both qualitative and quantitative data analysis, it can be stated that teachers have different perceptions on local curriculum and needs related to decentralization of enacted curriculum. Perceptions on local curriculum are more concerned on teacher autonomy and flexibility of curriculum and familiar content to enhance academic achievements of students. Source of students in needs analysis revealed that teachers need support for students with different socio-cultural backgrounds and with special needs. Society source in needs analysis unveiled that teachers need local curriculum to reflect country's culture, support to get benefit of local natural sources and to reinforce the adaptation of students to the local area. Lastly, needs related to content source of curriculum development disclosed that teachers need more flexibility in designing content and calendar according to diffentiating needs of students. Keywords: local curriculum, life sciences curriculum, needs analysis, localization