Persistent subcutaneous nodules after immunotherapy injections for allergic asthma

Güler Özden M., Kefeli M., Aydın F., Şentürk N., Canturk T., Turanli A. Y.

JOURNAL OF CUTANEOUS PATHOLOGY, vol.36, no.7, pp.812-814, 2009 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Adverse effects of desensitization injections mostly consist of local transient reactions. Rarely, persistent subcutaneous nodular lesions may also develop at the site of injection. These reactions have been attributed to the vaccines containing aluminium hydroxide. Aluminium hydroxide is used as an adjuvant in vaccines and hyposensitization solutions. We describe a patient who presented persistent, itchy subcutaneous nodules as a local reaction to allergen immunotherapy for the treatment of allergic asthma.