Simulation program for natural ventilation control in laying hen houses

Gürdil G. A. K., Malaťák J., SELVİ K. Ç., Přikryl M.

3rd International Conference Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2007, TAE 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, 12 - 14 September 2007, pp.126-130 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Prague
  • Country: Czech Republic
  • Page Numbers: pp.126-130
  • Keywords: Air temperature, Laying hen, Natural ventilation, Simulation program, Wind
  • Ondokuz Mayıs University Affiliated: Yes


This article is concerned to introduce a specialty developed stimulating program used for natural ventilation control in laying hen houses. These are placed in local conditions in Northern part of Turkey, Samsun. The program is developed especially to observe and following analysis of required values obtained during natural ventilation. It means a ventilation by the windows, doors and other inlets and outlets, in other words without any other ventilation initiators. By the measuring are checked and recorded air temperature and relative air humidity. These are measured inside of the laying hen houses as well as outside them. Final values of measurements are statistically analyzed and graphically demonstrated. According to the results, it's seen that the laying hens were exposed to higher relative humidity values and lower air velocities in the afternoon section. Thus, supplemental ventilation or cooling is needed in this time period of the day. Since the relative humidity values were high enough for the laying hens it wouldn't be suitable to use evaporative cooling system in the poultry house. Only ventilating the poultry house with high air velocities (2 m.s-1) is recommended when the air relative humidity exceeds 75%. The aim of work is to give practical results to designers and farmers. These conclusions may lead to ventilation improvements in laying hen houses with an option of total process automation there.