In the scope of the struggle against cigarette addiction in our country, Law. 4207, adopted on 07.11.1996 and Lw. 5727, adopted on 03.01.2008, introduced very important restrictions on smoking in public areas. Especially with Article 2/1-a of Law No. 5727, hospitals apply strict rules on smoking. Since 2015, five-meter sections in front of health institutions have been included in this prohibition. These substances. which provide very important regulations for the provision of smokeless air space, are justified in terms of preventing the harm of smoking. On the other hand, some cigarette addicts may have serious problems in obeying smoking bans during their hospitalization. Anxiety levels may increase in some of these people as they assume they will experience severe nicotine withdrawal symptoms as long as they are hospitalized. Increased anxiety and severe withdrawal symptoms may result in patients breaking the smoking ban. In some cases, this anxiety can be monitored in a much more severe state. In this case report, a case with a very high level of cigarette dependence, who had to receive hospitalized immunosuppressive treatment because psoriasis disease was exacerbated and refused hospitalization, was discussed.