Biochemistry & Molecular Biology covers resources on general biochemistry and molecular biology topics such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, genes, drugs, toxic substances, and other chemical or molecular constituents of cells, microbes, and higher plants and animals, including humans. Excluded are resources that are focus on biochemistry in cells, tissues or organs and those whose primary focus is the organism of study, e.g. plants, microbes, etc. Excluded, also, are resources that focus on methods in biochemistry or molecular biology.
Genetics & Heredity includes resources that deal with the structure, functions, and properties of genes, and the characteristics of inheritance. This category also considers heritable traits, population genetics, frequency and distribution of polymorphism, as well as inherited diseases and disorders of the replicative process. The category is distinguishable from Biochemistry & Molecular Biology by its specific emphasis on the gene as a single functional unit, and on the gene's effect on the organism as a whole.