Articles Published in Other Journals
Yerli patlıcan anaçlarının (Solanum melongena x Solanum aethiopicum) köklenme potansiyeli ve fenotipik kök mimarisi
Black Sea Journal of Agriculture
, vol.2, no.3, pp.138-146, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Sebze Tohumlarında Uygulanan Tohum İşleme Teknikleri
, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Effect of shading on organic pepper seedling cultivation
International journal of scientific and technological research
, vol.4, no.10, pp.250-254, 2018 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Organik hıyar fidesi yetiştiriciliğinde gölgelemenin fide kalitesine etkisi
Akademik Ziraat Dergisi
, vol.6, no.Özel Sayı, pp.35-40, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Farklı bitki yoğunluklarının serada organik domates yetiştiriciliğine etkisi
Akademik Ziraat Dergisi
, vol.6, no.Özel Sayı, pp.18, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Türkiye’xxde Kışlık Sebze Türlerinin Tarımsal Üretimdeki Yeri ve Önemi
, no.20, pp.8-12, 2016 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Aşılı Patlıcan Üretiminde Kullanılan Anaçların Verim ve Kalite Üzerine Etkileri
Tarım Gündem
, 2016 (Non Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Organik patlıcan yetiştiriciliğinde farklı budama sistemlerinin büyüme ve verime etkisi
, 2016 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
, no.21, pp.24-28, 2016 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Türkiye’de Kışlık Sebze Türlerinin Tarımsal Üretimdeki Yeri Ve Önemi.
TÜRKTOBB Türkiye Tohumcular Birliği Dergisi
, 2016 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
, 2015 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Türkiye Sebze Fidesi Üretimindeki Son Gelişmeler
TÜRKTOB Türkiye Tohumcular Birliği Dergis
, no.13, pp.6-10, 2015 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
The First Developed Turkish Eggplant Rootstock Candidates for Grafted Seedling
2nd International UNIDOKAP Black Sea Symposium on BIODIVERSITY, 28 - 30 October 2018
The Resistance Levels of Demre Type Pepper Lines to Low Temperature Sress
2nd International UNIDOKAP Black Sea Symposium on BIODIVERSITY, 28 October 2018
The Quantative Effects of Different Rootstock/Scion Combinations on the Vegetative Growth in Grafted Watermelon Cultivation
nternational UNIDOKAP Black Sea Symposium on BIODIVERSITY, 28 - 30 October 2018
The Effect of Shading on Organic Pepper Seedling Cultivation
International Plant Scıence and Technology Congress, Muğla, Turkey, 7 - 10 October 2018, pp.40
Bazı kabak anaçlarında tohumların çimlenme oranı üzerine sıcaklığın etkisinin modellenmesi.
Bazı kabak anaçlarında tohumların çimlenme oranı üzerine sıcaklığın etkisinin modellenmesi., 10 - 13 September 2018
Modelling the Effect of Temperature on the Germination and Emergence of Eggplant Rootstock Seeds.
International Agricultural Science Congress, 9 - 12 May 2018
The screening of Solanum aethıopicum and Solanum incanum genotypes against Verticillıum dahliae.
International III Plant Breeding Congress, 15 - 19 October 2017
Root System Architecture of Turkish Eggplant Hybrid Rootstock Variety Candidates
III. International Plant Breeding Congress, 15 October 2017
Evaluation and Selection of Suitable Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Genotypes in Turkey
III. International Plant Breeding Congress, 15 - 19 October 2017
The screening of Solanum aethiopicum and Solanum incanum genotypes against Verticillium dahliae
III. International Plant Breeding Congress, 15 - 19 October 2017
The effects of different raised bed type on organic tomatoes grown in field
International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food Sciences and Technologies (ICAFOF), Kapadokya/Nevşehir, Turkey, 15 - 17 May 2017, pp.135
The effects of different planting systems and distances on organic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) growing and developing in greenhouse as out of season
International Symposium on Biodiversity and Edible Wild Species (BEWS2017), Antalya, Turkey, 3 - 05 April 2017, vol.1, pp.233
The effect of shading on organic cucumber seedling cultivation
1st International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2016), Adana, Turkey, 26 - 28 October 2016, vol.1, pp.2427-2432
Gölgelemenin organik hıyar fidesi yetiştiriciliğine etkisi
1st International mediterranean science and engineering congress, 26 - 28 October 2016
Interspecific hybridization and hybrid seed yield of Solanum melongena and Solanum aethiopicum lines for rootstock breeding
COST Action FA1204 Final Conference-Vegetable Grafting to Improve Yield and Fruit Quality under Biotic and abiotic Stress Conditions, 19 - 21 September 2016
Determination of reaction of Solanum aethiopicum and Solanum incanum genotypes against Fusarium oxysporum f sp melongenae
XVIth EUCARPIA Capsicum and Eggplant Meeting, 12 - 14 September 2016
The morphological characterization of Solanum aethiopicum and Solanum incanum accessions
XVI. Eucarpia Capsicum and Eggplant Meeting, 12 - 14 September 2016
Determination of Solanum aethiopicum and Solanum incanum genotypes against Fusarium oxyporum f sp melongenae
XVI. Eucarpia Capsicum and Eggplant Meeting, 12 - 14 September 2016
The Morphological Characterization of Solanum aethiopicum and Solanum incanum Accessions for Eggplant Rootstock Breeding Efforts
XVI. Eucarpia Capsicum and Eggplant Meeting Proceedings, 12 - 14 September 2016
The effect of different training systems on greenhouse organic tomato culture
3rd International symposium on organic greenhouse horticulture, 11 - 14 April 2016
Serada ilk turfanda organik hıyar yetiştiriciliğinde farklı dikim sistemleri ve mesafelerinin büyüme özellikleri üzerine etkisi
Türkiye V. Organik Tarım Sempozyumu, Turkey, 25 - 27 September 2013
Bazı baklagil tohumlarının çimlenme zamanları üzerine sıcaklığın etkisinin modellenmesi
9. Ulusal Sebze Tarımı Sempozyumu, Turkey, 12 - 14 September 2012