The Ratio of the Second Finger to the Fourth Finger (2D:4D); Can it be a Marker for Dental Anxiety?

TORUN A. Ç., Uğurlu K.

Türkiye Klinikleri Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi, cilt.27, sa.2, ss.178-183, 2021 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


Objective: 2D:4D (the ratio of the second finger to thefourth finger) ratio has been used as a morphological marker in evaluating the relationship between androgen exposure in the prenatal period and developmental/neuropsychiatric disorders. Material andMethods: Ninety-one children between the ages of 5 and 10 yearsfrom whom teeth were to be extracted under local anesthesia were included in the study. Measurements were made of the second andfourth fingers of the children’s right and left hands. At the end of theprocedure, the physician was asked to evaluate the patient’s dentalanxiety levels using the Frankl Behavior Scale (FBS). Results: Basedon the FBS, the right-hand 2D:4D ratio was 0.979±0.074 in patientswho refused treatment, 1.000±0.044 in unwilling patients who couldnot cooperate, 1.017±0.043 in cooperative patients, and 0.980±0.020in patients with interest (p=0.092). The left-hand 2D:4D ratio was1.024±0.045 in patients refusing treatment, 1.006±0.046 in unwillingpatients who could not cooperate, 1.018±0.054 in cooperative patients, and 0.983±0.025 in patients with interest (p=0.526). No relationship was found between successful extractions and 2D:4D ratiosin children. Conclusion: As a result, no significant correlation wasfound between dental anxiety and 2D:4D of pediatric patients whoare planned tooth extraction. It was determined that 2D:4D is not amorphological marker that we can use to predict dental anxiety in thepreoperative period.