Çelikler D., Aksan Z., Yenikalayci N.

12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED), Valencia, Spain, 5 - 07 March 2018, pp.1859-1863 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Valencia
  • Country: Spain
  • Page Numbers: pp.1859-1863
  • Keywords: water, water consciousness, secondary school student, science caricature, science education
  • Ondokuz Mayıs University Affiliated: Yes


The most important subject of sustainable environmental education is the life source water. It is essential not to pollute and protect water that is an absolute prior condition of life. Uncontaminated and protected water can only be provided with conscious societies. However conscious societies are possible to gain environment consciousness to individuals at early ages. This can only be achieved by effective and efficient environmental education. In this scope in this study it was aimed to develop science caricatures to be used in teaching of water consciousness and the importance of water as life source for secondary school students. In the research science caricatures regarding the importance of water for life, water consumption, water pollution types, water polluters and personal solution education to protect water, were developed. In preparing stage of science caricatures, science caricatures were designed by obtaining which parts of subject are available for caricature drawing by scanning the information regarding primarily the importance of water, water pollution types, water polluters, water consumption and water protection. As science caricatures were designed, they were taken care of involving daily life examples. The designed science caricatures were put into last form being drawn by a caricaturist. Science caricatures are important and effective education materials that develop imagination and creativity by increasing critical thinking and motivation as well as by attracting students' attention. Also using science caricatures in education makes learning entertaining and permanent. That is why it is thought that developed science caricatures will create awareness in people how important water is for life and will be effective in gaining environmental ethics and courage to people in being responsible about their behaviours.