TURKISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY, vol.43, no.3, pp.318-325, 2019 (SCI-Expanded)
The use of training systems for cherry trees is significantly important, as they form the basis of future shoots, which are potential producers of fruits. Numerous studies have been carried out on training systems for cherries around the world. It is well known that new training systems result in a shorter fruiting time and ease mechanical operations, such as harvesting and pruning. Unfortunately, new systems have never been tried for sweet cherry in Turkey. This study was aimed at determining the effect of different training systems, such as tall spindle axe (TSA), super spindle axe (SSA), upright fruiting offshoots (UFO), and Kym Green bush (KGB), on the growth, yield and fruit quality of the 0900 Ziraat/Gisela 6 cherry combination throughout 2014-2018. The Vogel central leader system was used as the control to compare the effect of the new systems. The new training systems affected the diameter, length, number of primary shoots on the leader, yield, fruit weight, firmness, diameter, color, soluble solid content, titratable acidity of the fruit, number of basal flowers, flower spurs, and harvest efficiency. Earlier formation of the trees was observed with the SSA and TSA systems. The trees were formed within 2-3 years in the KGB system. The UFO system created a uniform fruiting wall structure, which made harvesting easier. According to the preliminary results and observations of the current study, harvesting becomes easier with these new systems compared to the Vogel central leader. The labor cost of harvesting and pruning in the new training systems was also lower compared with the conventional Vogel central leader system. The new training systems are strongly recommended in Turkey for higher productivity and economic returns of sweet cherry.