Turkish Studies (Elektronik), cilt.10, sa.2, ss.183-192, 2015 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier

  • Yayın Türü: Makale / Tam Makale
  • Cilt numarası: 10 Sayı: 2
  • Basım Tarihi: 2015
  • Dergi Adı: Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
  • Derginin Tarandığı İndeksler: TR DİZİN (ULAKBİM)
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.183-192
  • Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Adresli: Hayır


Yabancı dil her yerde olduğu gibi, Türkiye'de de eğitim ve iş için gereklidir. Yabancı dil puanı ise, özellikle lisansüstü eğitim görebilmek, akademisyen olabilmek, bazı kamu kuruluşlarında görev alabilmek ve hatta görevde yükselebilmek için gerekli şartlardan biridir. Bu puan farklı sınavlar ile elde edilmektedir. ÖSYM'nin uyguladığı, zaman zaman isimleri değişmekle beraber, yabancı dil seviyesini belirlemek üzere yapılan bu sınavlar, ortaya çıkan puan ortalamaları ve sınavın şekli itibariyle sık sık gündeme gelmektedir. Herhangi bir alanda yüksek lisans veya doktora yapmak isteyenlerin, doktora aşamasında iki farklı dil puanına ihtiyacı olan yabancı dil çalışanların ve hem de üniversitelerde görev alabilmek, görevde yükselebilmek için gerekli olan bu dil sınavları, bireylerin önüne önceleri ÜDS ve KPDS olarak çıkmıştır, 2013'ten beri de YDS olarak çıkmaktadır. Bu sınavlarda istenen puanların alınamaması farklı sorunları da beraberinde getirmektedir. Yabancı dil öğrenme kültürümüz, bireysel öğrenme biçimlerimiz, ders çalışma alışkanlıklarımız, eğitim aldığımız alan, olması gereken yabancı dil eğitim sistemi ile sınav sistemlerinin birbiriyle çelişmesi veYDS'ye bakış açımız araştırılması gereken bazı alt başlıklardandır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye'deki farklı üniversite ve bölümlerde lisansüstü eğitim gören veya görmüş olan 214 öğrencinin yabancı dil tutum ve davranışları ile yabancı dil sınavına bakışlarını ölçmek amacıyla uzman görüşü alınarak anket uygulaması yapılmıştır
Foreign language is necessary for both education and work in Turkey like everywhere. Foreign language score is one of the requirements especially for graduate education, to be academician, to get a position in some state foundations and even to promate in a work. This score is taken with different exams. These exams, which ÖSYM apply to decide one’s foreign language level, still remain on the agenda in terms of their average scores and styles. From 2013 on called as YDS, which was formerly ÜDS and KPDS, is needed by those who want to have a graduate or postgraduate degree, who need an extra foreign language and who want to promote and to have a position at a university. Not being able to get desired scores in these exams causes different problems. Our foreign language learning approach, individual learning styles, studying strategies, education area, contradiction of education and exam systems and our approach to YDS are some subcategories that need research. In this study, a qustionnaire was applied in order to evaulate the attitude and behaviours of 214 students who still maintain or finished graduate or postgraduate education to foreign language exam. The reason behind high language scores of graduates of education faculties is and the and positive contributions to the organization of language learning is that they work. But despite being the maximum working group lessons, language learning for FEAS alumni group with a low score and a language score at the desired level is an open problem. But the number of areas and support to the both courses is very low as well as working predominantly in the range of 0-2 hours working on their own courses. All these results are quit cause two out considering: First, the acquired learning habits during the school life of the language teaching methods of accuracy in the country, the quality of learning, second, conducted in the presence of individual or course, the method is and duration. Also to go on a course that has been concluded with the participants enough time separating foreign language. In this context arises individual self-criticism. Results of the participants revealed that foreign language learning necessity. Foreign language is not a case of force that can be learned or taught. After starting language learning with individual curiosity request enters the sources and methods of operation. Most participants said that experience difficulties in motivation, showed that in fact is causing the problem. The collapse of social prejudice against the foreign language needs to be done for it and learned / acquired information is to provide the ability to use the environment. The majority of the group on their own course work that they are working less than two hours or days. Depending on whether self-study methods taught in schools, that should be considered on how efficient these two hours late. Here are put time management issue. In schools to students in basic level, instead of useless information piles, changing and developing time management that can be used in all areas of life, the ways of getting the right information, they should be better diagnosis can project work. More applications must be submitted to familiarize themselves with individuals at all levels. In this way the lessons of being a task should be removed and converted into an area where individuals enjoy. Participants, the lack of multiple-choice yds'n and language skills are equally agreed that measuring is required. The style of the exam questions used in this case should be revised. Talk to the opposite side of the individuals was concluded that the weight of incomprehension concerns. In this case, it is the work for speaking and listening skills has less to do and emerging areas of daily life can not find these skills. When the results are evaluated, has emerged once again the importance of the following issues: Teaching-learning culture and education methods must be changed permanently. Experts for this service by teachers-training should be given. Applied exams individuals should exercise to test the culture, because foreign language is something other than measured by testing and language teaching is contrary to the language of nature. The expansion of Turkey, replacing the existing state-driven learning and lifelong learning and understanding is required to settle. Lifelong learning means, does not mean reading outside schools, lifelong learning is really durable and can be used to obtain information