41st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2012, INTER-NOISE 2012, New York, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 19 - 22 Ağustos 2012, cilt.4, ss.2768-2781
The environmental noise and its effects are a major problem which are hardly known in Turkey. The noise levels, the propagation types and the affected areas and the statistical number of the affected people should be determined reliably and precisely before taking effective measures against the noise pollution. The graphical data employed in the production of the Geographical Information System (GIS)-aided noise maps are the vector data which are either spatially measured or obtained through the photogrammetry and the remote sensing using numerous software packages. Such data form the basis of the noise pollution maps. In this study, all the necessary digital and/or analog data were collected. The collected data were then combined, compiled, the necessary topological rules were applied and all the spatial and non-spatial data were appropriately joined. The noise source data and the meteorological data were collected and were related with the GISbased map layers. With the help of GIS-based digital maps which provide the templates for the noise map and the noise software packages, the noise map of Samsun Municipality was formed within standards of the European Union. The regions with relatively high noise levels were determined. Several possible methods to protect from noise and to minimize the current noise pollution as well as solution suggestions were given.