FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN, vol.24, no.7, pp.2374-2383, 2015 (SCI-Expanded)
In this study, soil samples were taken from 32 different locations from two different soil depths (0-30 and 30-60 cm) and 16 physical and chemical soil properties were assessed through factor analysis (FA) and geographical information systems (GIS). FA revealed 5 factors for the surface soil depth (0-30 cm) explaining 79.58% of total variation in data set. These factors were entitled as factor 1 "soil water holding capacity", factor 2 "microelement availability", factor 3 "organic matter", factor 4 "soil reaction" and factor 5 "soil salinity". FA for the subsurface depth (30-60 cm) revealed 4 factors explaining 75.14% of total variation in data set. These factors were entitled as factor 1 "nutrient availability soil reaction relationship", factor 2 "soil water holding capacity", factor 3 "organic matter" and factor 4 "soil salinity". A total of nine spatial distribution maps were prepared for these factors by using the factor scores obtained from FA for both soil depths. Significant similarities were observed in both factor components and spatial distribution patterns of both soil depths. It was concluded that FA with various soil properties used as multiple variables might reveal significant hidden information about soil properties and yield highly valuable outcomes for the management and planning of precise agricultural practices.