The investigation of different chicane applications in traffic calming studies using driving simulator Trafik sakinlestirme çalismalarinda farkli kivrimlama uygulamalarinin sürüş simülatörü ortaminda incelenmesi

Aydin M. M., Akgöl K., Günay B.

Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, cilt.34, sa.4, ss.1793-1805, 2019 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


High vehicular speeds are one of the most frequent complains in urban roads. Lack of obedience to speed limits results in many fatal accidents. Traffic calming measures have been widely used in many developed countries to reduce accidents, the negative effects of speeding and traffic noise in urban roads. In the scope of this study, horizontal calming measures, namely chicanes, which are not in use in Turkey yet, have been studied by using a driving simulator for the aim of controlling and reducing vehicular speeds. For this purpose, Akdeniz University campus was selected as the pilot case area and a number of different roads in the campus have been modeled in 3D. It was determined from the speed data that for divided four lane carriageways, chicane number 10 (K10) which has 3 m effective width and 45 entry and exit angles, for undivided two lane carriageways, chicane number 2 (K2) which has 2.7 m effective width and 60 entry and 30 exit angles, gave the best outcome from the driving tests in accordance with the characteristics of Turkish drivers. Furthermore, based on the findings, common driver errors are identified and a number of recommendations are made.