Improvement of the integrated coastal zone management in the Black Sea regon of Turkey

Creative Commons License

Bakan G.

WMESS World Multidiscipliniary Erath Sciences Symposium, Praha, Czech Republic, 5 - 09 September 2016, pp.414

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Praha
  • Country: Czech Republic
  • Page Numbers: pp.414
  • Ondokuz Mayıs University Affiliated: Yes



Turkey is a country well-endowed with a wealth of coastal areas and an abundance of their coastal resources. The Turkish land borders the Black Sea in the North, the Aegean in the west and the Mediterranean in the south. In addition to these areas, Turkish land encloses an extremely important inland sea, the Sea of Marmara. Turkey has very important coastal areas along the inland Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea, and is a partner of the Black Sea Strategic Plan (BSAP). The total length of the Turkish coastline including the islands is 8,333 kilometres, of which 1,067 kilometres are island shores. Turkey has a Coastal Law, but no integrated legislation covering multiple aspects of coastal zone management. Despite a coastal law, there is neither legislation nor an institution that covers all aspects of coastal zone management. The National Committee on Turkish Coastal Zone Management has been established since 1993. The Black Sea, a nearly enclosed and isolated environment, has suffered from severe ecological changes during the last decades. In the face of likely serious environmental changes occurring in the Black Sea region the littoral countries are attempting to find solutions by seeking international assistance from well-known international organizations and some leading states interested in settlement of environmental issues at the regional or global level. Major ICZM problems of Black Sea coast of Turkey are urban sprawl, tourism development and near-shore illegal construction, coastal waters polluted by municipal, industrial, agricultural and ship waste, biodiversity protection required for extremely rich biodiversity and last natural habitat for monk seal, green turtles and other rare species, widespread urban sprawl and illegal construction in coastal areas. In fact, integrated coastal zone management in Turkey is becoming an increasingly important issue due to the ever-growing developmental pressures on coastal areas.


Key words: ICZM; Black Sea; Black Sea Strategic Plan (BSAP).