SENDROM, cilt.9, sa.10, ss.22-33, 1997 (Scopus)
In this article, the STDs which are characterized by vaginal discharge are reviewed. Vaginitis is characterized by a vaginal discharge (usually) or vulvar itching and irritation. A vaginal odor may be present. The three common diseases characterized by vaginitis include trichomoniasis (caused by T vaginalis), bacterial vaginosis (BV; caused by a replacement of the normal vaginal flora by an overgrowth of anaerobic microorganisms and Gardenerella vaginalis), and candidiasis (usually caused by Candidia albicans). Mucopurulent cervicitis (MPC) caused by C Trachomatis or N gonorrhea may uncommonly cause a vaginal discharge. Although vulvovaginal candidiasis is not usually transmitted sexually, it is included here because it is a common infection among women being evaluated for STDs.