Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, vol.14, no.2, pp.252-264, 2018 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Language acquisition is used for the process where a language is acquired as a result of natural and largelyrandom exposure to language, whereas the term language learning refers to the exposure structured throughlanguage teaching. Children acquire language from 18 months to puberty. The child‟s grammar is semanticallybased. Children reflect their competence through their performance. The aim of this study is to analyse theircompetence in both native and foreign language written texts they produced. Additionally, this study discuss ifthere is a significant difference between their performative competence level in Turkish and English. Therefore,28 fourth graders were given a coloured picture representing a daily life of a family and they were asked todepict the picture in English and Turkish. Their written texts were discussed by Content Analysis and a corpusanalysis. It has been found that how language acquirers write a text in Turkish and how well they reflect theirforeign competence. It has been also shown that they were unable to use required foreign language competencebecause of lack of native language competence. Besides, they committed some spelling errors in foreignlanguage.