The influence of ambulatory blood pressure profile on left ventricular geometry

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Balci B., Yilmaz O., Yesildag O.

18th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hypertension, New York, United States Of America, 14 - 17 May 2003, vol.16 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • Volume: 16
  • Doi Number: 10.1016/s0895-7061(03)00152-3
  • City: New York
  • Country: United States Of America
  • Keywords: left ventricular geometry, dipper, nondipper
  • Ondokuz Mayıs University Affiliated: No


We present a numerical study of an SU(3) gauged 2D model for adjoint scalar fields, defined by dimensional reduction of pure gauge QCD in (2+1)D at high temperature. In the symmetric phase of its global Z_2 symmetry, two colourless boundstates, even and odd under Z_2, are identified. Their respective contributions (poles) in correlation functions of local composite operators A_n of degree n=2p and 2p+1 in the scalar fields (p=1,2) fulfill factorization. The contributions of two particle states (cuts) are detected. Their size agrees with estimates based on a meanfield-like decomposition of the p=2 operators into polynomials in p=1 operators. No sizable signal in any A_n correlation can be attributed to 1/n times a Debye screening length associated with n elementary fields. These results are quantitatively consistent with the picture of scalar ``matter'' fields confined within colourless boundstates whose residual ``strong'' interactions are very weak.