İktisat Politikasi Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol.8, no.1, pp.45-58, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Entrepreneurship is crucial to raising the standard of living and promotingthe development of the economy. Small and medium-sized enterprisesare recognized as solutions for economic growth, modernization, jobcreation, and income generation. The focus of this study is on how SMEscan contribute to job creation and economic growth in Somalia. Thisstudy uses a descriptive research design and a quantitative approach togain insight into variables. A sample size of 201 participants was chosenand determined using a method of purposive or judgmental sampling.The researcher developed the questionnaire as a data collection toolwhich was collected using a Google forms Survey program, then edited,collated and tabulated using SPSS -statistical computer software- Version22 and Excel 2010. Finally researchers corrected certain mistakes andanomalies to improve validity and reliability. Our study found that lackof funding, poor management skills and certain government policiesare key barriers for small and medium-sized enterprises in Somalia. Ourstudy also indicated that countries’ poor policies on imported products,humanitarian aid and unregulated competition have a negative effecton developing small and medium enterprises in the region. In thisstudy concluded that providing access to finance through banks andlarge companies, giving enough knowledge and skills and introducingeffective policies for the growth of small and medium enterprises by thegovernment will enhance small and medium enterprises in Somalia.