3rd International Chestnut Congress, Chaves, Portugal, 20 - 23 October 2004, pp.187-194
This study aimed to determine the suitable budding or grafting time and methods in chestnut in the Black Sea Region. The study was carried out in Samsun in 1997-1998. Three grafting methods (T and inverted T budding and whip grafting), two scion genotypes (SA 5-1 and SE 21-9), eight grafting periods (from spring to autumn), two rootstocks (those of rootstock obtained from Duzce and seedlings of genotype no of 554-14) and different grafted tree production methods, namely in the potted and in the field conditions, were used. Graft success and growth of the scion shoot were considered in order to determine the suitable grafting time and method. The highest graft success in the pots was obtained from the inverted T budding made after leaf appearance on the rootstocks in the spring. Graft success ratios in this period and method varied from 57.0 to 98.8, according to the genotypes and years. Although graft success was found to be higher in this period the growth of the scion was poor (12.9-18.3 cm shoot height). Both graft success and growth of the scion were better in the field with the whip grafting made after bark separation of the rootstocks in the spring (77.6% graft success, 70.8 cm graft shoot height).