Diseases Transmission Via Semen in Cattle: Importance and Control Strategies

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JOURNAL OF ANATOLIAN ENVIRONMENTAL AND ANIMAL SCIENCES, vol.6, no.3, pp.409-413, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


Disease transmission via semen is an extremely adversarial situation in terms ofanimal husbandry and reproductive productivity. Artificial insemination is the most widely usedmethod in reproductive biotechnology. The main purpose of artificial insemination is to makegenetic improvements. Millions of semen doses produce and distributed throughout the world.With this method, semen obtained both domestically and abroad affects animal husbandrythroughout the country. Therefore, absolutely semen should be free from all kinds of diseasefactors. Control strategies should be determined and implemented in the entire process, fromsemen procurement to storage. Serious measures should be taken in semen production facilities;breeding animals should be checked regularly. Semen obtained from breeding animals in spermstations should be investigated for various pathogens. Care should be taken to vaccinate theanimals, and disease-free herds should be created. The purpose of this review is to review theimportance of diseases via semen and the determination of control strategies.