The present situation of commercial mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) growing and some suggestions on the improvement of production buildings and complication at Black Sea region Karadeniz Bolgesi kultur mantari (Agaricus bisporus) yetistiriciliginin mevcut durumu, sorunlari ve uretim tesislerinin iyilestirilmesine yonelik oneriler

Demir Y., Uzun A.

Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, vol.22, no.3, pp.273-279, 1998 (Scopus) identifier


In recent years, there has been considerable interest in mushroom growing at the Black Sea Region. In order to encourage mushroom growers in term of giving them inclination of mushroom growing, the potential, problems and the costructural situation (which already exists) of mushroom production sheds in the region should be examined. For this reason, 24 mushroom growing plants located in the Middle and east Black Sea Region (Ordu, Samsun, Sinop, Amasya and Trabzon provinces) were included to the present study to be investigated. It was from the present study that most of the mushroom growing plants in the region were run using old-fashioned production systems apart from a few modern ones. the farmer had small capiacities being used for only limited periods. It was also found that several number of mushroom growing plants were run by using ready-made growing plastic bags brought from big cities such as Istanbul and Ankara. On the other hand, the spawing used in mushroom growing are supplied by other plants that take place out of the region for these growers who make their own compost. The shortage of the present plants was found out in the light of data obtained from the study. Moreover, suggestion were made in order to overcome these disadvantages and increase mushroom production at the region. In addition, plans of location for mushroom plants having a daily mushroom production capacity of 100-200 kg, suitable for the conditions of the region were given.