Alycina and eupodina mites in hazelnut orchards in turkey

Sullıvan S., Kazmierski A., Cobanoglu S.

6th International Congress on Hazelnut, Tarragona, Spain, 14 - 18 June 2004, pp.401-406 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Doi Number: 10.17660/actahortic.2005.686.55
  • City: Tarragona
  • Country: Spain
  • Page Numbers: pp.401-406
  • Keywords: Corylus avellana, agro-ecosystem, predatory mites, phytophagous mites, ACTINEDIDA, TYDEOIDEA, GENUS, ACARI
  • Ondokuz Mayıs University Affiliated: Yes


Between 1991 and 1999, mites were surveyed in hazelnut orchards in Turkey. Plant samples, were collected and examined. Samples of leaf litter were also collected from orchards and beneath surrounding hedge plants during winter. Fourteen mite species from 6 families and 2 cohorts, namely Bimichaelia grandis Berlese, Lorryia livshitzi (Kuznetzov), Lorryia obnoxia (Kuznetzov et Zapletina), Lorryia paraobliqua Panou et Emmanouel, Tydeus kochi Oudemans, Tydeus linaroeatus (Schiess), Micro-tydeus beltrani Baker, Homeopronematus staerki (Schruft), Triophtydeus immanis Kuznetzov, Triophtydeus triophthalmus (Oudemans), Cyta grandjeani Gomelauri, Biscirus silvaticus (Kramer), Cunaxoides biscutum Baker et Hoffman, Cunaxoides parvus (Ewing) were identified in this study. Eleven species were reported for the first time in Turkey.