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Şimşek A., Şule S., Bakan G.

Uluslararası Su ve Çevre Kongresi SUÇEV, 22 - 24 Mart 2018, cilt.1, ss.1789-1794

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Tam Metin Bildiri
  • Cilt numarası: 1
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.1789-1794
  • Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


Aim of the study:The purposes of this study were to assess the sediment quality and to

determine levels of sediment pollution, and also to discuss significantly headlines for

located in the central Black Sea region of Turkey. Lake management projects, offer a real

opportunity to increase understanding of lake ecology through associated research and

monitoring work. The catchment managers might aim to reduce nutrient export at source for

assessment of the impact of nutrient loading on the receiving waters through a number of

measures. However, it is important that the selection of a suitable management model is

determinated of present increases in nutrient loading on shallow waters and also nutrient

transport pathways linking the point and non-point sources in the catchment.

Material and Methods:Declining water quality, drainage, eutrophication and catchment

disturbances such as development, loss of natural vegetation and poor agricultural practices

have changed the fundamental ecology much of shallow lakes in the Delta. In the study,

monitoring of sediment quality parameters was conducted for the coastal shallow lakes. It is

known that the sediment can directly influence the nutrient level in standing inland waters

such as lakes and ponds by way of internal nutrient loading. Sediments may act as both

nutrient and contaminant sources or sinks, potentially affecting the nutrient dynamics of

entire shallow water bodies. In some watersheds, particularly those that are heavily fertilized,

sediments taken from lakes showed that yield large quantities of phosphates and nitrates to

the coastal water body.

Results:A range of potential catchment management options have been evaluated here for

growth, the lake water quality deteriorated and reached at its peak in the last years. Also, the

impacts of land use changes throughout the catchment were observed in terms of higher

sedimentation rates. According to sustained works in the wetland, it was found that the

sediments from Cernek Lake have P release rates ranging from 2.63 to 4.10 mg P/m2/d

2/d). However both

lake sediment types had relatively low P release rates compared with published values for

eutrophic systems. Nutrient and organic matter content were high, with higher concentrations

in lakes with prevalence of fine particles. Importantly, the nutrient release from the lake

sediment was contributing to the water bodies as equal as from the inflowing river and

drainage canals. Finally, activities needed in all segments and the participation of all

stakeholders is levelly important for sustainable conservation of the shallow lakes in the

catchment. The approach is informed by an understanding of the following: Physical,

chemical and biological control measures are to be implemented in an integrated way without

harming the ecosystem of the lake, eco- friendly farming practices in the catchment areas,

modification of land use and discharge consents, and for this reason, a further in-depth

research is required to implement the water and sediment pollution control measures.