Effects of aluminum on insulin-like growth factor i levels and antioxidant status

Kaptanoglu B., Turgut G., Emmungil G., Turgut S., Demir S.

Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology, cilt.18, sa.4, ss.245-254, 2007 (Scopus) identifier identifier


Background. The aim of this research was to investigate the toxic effects of aluminum (Al) on plasma insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels and on the liver, the main production site of IGF-I. In addition, we analyzed the influence of Al on liver malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels, and how the antioxidant vitamin E (vit E) affects the altered levels of these parameters. Methods. Adult male rats (n = 28) were randomly divided into the following four groups: Al alone, Al + vit E, vit E alone, and untreated control group. The Al group received 1 mg/200 g body weight of aluminum sulfate (AISO4) thrice weekly for two weeks. The Al + vit E group received the same dose of AISO4 plus 100 mg/kg of vit E once daily. The Vit E group received a daily dose of vit E alone. Control animals received physiologic saline daily. Results. Liver GSH levels were decreased in the Al group but recovered with vit E administration. Liver IGF-I levels significantly decreased in the Al group compared with the control. With the use of vit E, the liver IGF-I levels increased, but this increase was not statistically significant. Conclusions. The results of this study show that plasma and liver IGF-I levels decrease with Al use. Also liver GSH levels decreased with Al while this recovered with vit E use together with Al. © 2007, by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. All rights reserved.