24th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), Belgrade, Sırbistan, 22 - 23 Kasım 2016, ss.161-164
In this study, available Television White Space (TVWS) spectrums were measured and evaluated in Samsun Turkey. The measurements were performed within 470 MHz -790 MHz band, at ten locations which are differently distanced from TV transmitter stations using software based RTL2832U-R820T frequency analyzer. In the measurements -40dB and -45dB above signals are considered. It is seen from the results that, frequency spectrum usage change depending on the distance from TV transmitter station, existence of Line of Sight (LOS) path and geographical features of measurement locations, and percentage of available TV space in Samsun city center varies between 5% and 62.5%. Approximately 7.5% increase in spectrum availability is achievable with the choice of lower reference value (i. e. -45dB). It is also concluded from the temporal measurement results that number of channels used may vary due to measurement time. With the use of these results the spectrum utilization in Samsun could be improved.