The Effectiveness of the Communication Training Program for Combating Violence Against Women

Creative Commons License

Şentürk Ş., Tuncel M. K.

KHAZAR JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, vol.22, no.2, pp.35-50, 2019 (ESCI) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 22 Issue: 2
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • Doi Number: 10.5782/2223-2621.2019.22.2.35
  • Journal Indexes: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • Page Numbers: pp.35-50
  • Keywords: Domestic violence against women, domestic violence, elimination of violence, communication training
  • Ondokuz Mayıs University Affiliated: Yes


Domestic violence (also named as domestic abuse, battering, or family violence) is a pattern of behaviour which involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation. Domestic violence against women can be categorized as physical, sexual, psychological or economical violence. It can be seen that women exposed to such types of violence develop physical or psychological problems, even in some cases the violence ends up with domestic homicide or suicide. It is thought that an educational program which will enable these women to reconstruct their self-esteem and look to the future with hope with healing and developing skills should be prepared. Therefore, Elimination of Violence Communication Training Program was prepared and it is aimed to find the effectiveness, positive/negative conditions occurring during the application of the program or the shortcomings of the program.