Revisiting Eladio Dieste’s Walls Through Digital Design and Simulation Technologies: A Case on Atlántida Church

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Eldemir Kara C., Arslan Selçuk S., Er Akan A., Ünay A. İ.

CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE, cilt.12, sa.5, ss.3414-3425, 2024 (Scopus)


Digital design technologies and automation systems have ushered in a paradigm shift in the field of architecture , revolutionizing approaches to architectural elements. Designers, empowered by these technologies, have embraced novel methods and tectonics, transcending traditional design paradigms and prompting a reconsideration of conventional materials. Among these, brick, the oldest man-made material, stands out as a substance ripe for rediscovery through the lens of digital technologies. Numerous research efforts have explored integrating brick material with digital tools, delving into its potential through computational methods and unveiling new understandings of masonry. This paper seeks to contribute to this exploration by focusing on the material's role in complex surface formation. Specifically, the structure of Atlántida Church that Eladio Dieste built with the principle of "resistance through form" has been examined. By employing the hypothesis posited by Eladio Dieste, this research examines historical texts and contemporary practices, subjecting them to analysis through digital tools. The underlying objective is to highlight the discernible impact of manipulating geometric parameters on the qualities of brick material. Throughout this research, the progression unfolds through distinct phases, beginning with digital modeling and analysis. Subsequently, this process advances iteratively by generating a new digital model derived from the original. The culmination of each cycle is marked by a reevaluation, forming a continuous and detailed exploration of implications throughout the study. In light of the obtained results, it is clear that the robust tectonic impact of brick has strengthened the interrelation among form, structure, and material throughout the process of digitization. The qualities of brick resonate prominently in contemporary architectural practice, whose enduring significance is underscored by its integral role in the digital processes shaping the realm of contemporary architectural praxis.