Publications & Works

Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI

Articles Published in Other Journals

Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

Treatment of os penis fracture and urethral rupture due to gunshot injury in a dog

XVII. Ulusal III. Uluslararası Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi, Samsun, Turkey, 15 September 2022, pp.82

Treatment of bilateral maxillary fracture with locking plate in a dog

XVII. Ulusal III. Uluslararası Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi, Samsun, Turkey, 15 September 2022, pp.83

Treatment intervention of a case of peritoneopericardial diaphramatic hernia in a kitten

XVII. Ulusal III. Uluslararası Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi, Samsun, Turkey, 15 September 2022, pp.86

Martılarda Hepatik Doppler Ultrasonografi

2. Ulusal Yaban Hayvanları Kongresi, Van, Turkey, 26 May 2022, pp.88

The Effect of Meloxicam on Intraocular Pressure in Horses

EDUVET International Veterinary Science Congress, Samsun, Turkey, 25 June 2021

Management of Rectal Prolapse in Animals

EDUVET International Veterinary Science Congress, Samsun, Turkey, 25 June 2021

Evaluation of Fractures in Wild Birds in Samsun and Surrounding Provinces

EDUVET International Veterinary Science Congress, Samsun, Turkey, 25 June 2021

Köpeklerde Epidural Anestezi ve Analjezi.

4 th International Health Sciences and Life Congress, Turkey, 08 April 2021

Kedi ve Köpeklerde Oküler Ultrasonografi

4 th International Health Sciences and Life Congress, Turkey, 08 April 2021

A Case Of Urethral Obstructıon And Hydronephrosıs Caused By A Cystıc Urachal Remnant In A Calf

2.Uluslararası-13 Ulusal Veteriner İç Hastalıkları Kongresi, 11 - 13 October 2019, pp.274-275

Atrezia coli olgularında kolonoskopik tanı

XVI Ulusal Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi, Girne, Cyprus (Kktc), 20 - 23 September 2018, pp.72

Colonoscobic diagnosis for atresia coli in calves

2nd İnternational Veterinary Surgery Congres Of Turkey, Girne, Cyprus (Kktc), 20 September - 23 December 2018, pp.73

Atrezia Koli Olgularında Kolonoskopik Tanı

XVI.Ulusal Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi II.nd International Veterinary Surgery Congress of Turkey, 20 - 23 September 2018

Colonoscopic diagnosis for atresia coli in calves

2nd International Veterinary Surgery Congress of Turkey ve XVI. Ulusal Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi, 20 - 23 September 2018, pp.72-73

Assessment of intraocular pressure and electrocardiographic parameters in pheasants in inhalation anaesthesia

2nd International Veterinary Surgery Congress of Turkey ve XVI. Ulusal Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi, 20 - 23 September 2018, pp.278-279

Effects of inhalation anesthesia on tear production in pheasants

2nd International Veterinary Surgery Congress of Turkey ve XVI. Ulusal Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi, 20 - 23 September 2018, pp.276-277

Biohemical changes induced by general anesthesia with sevoflurane in pheasants (Phasianus colchicus)

1st International Veterinary Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry Congress, 12 - 15 April 2018, pp.301-302

Efffects of isoflurane anesthesia on some blood parameters in pheasants (Phasianus colchicus)

1st International Veterinary Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry Congress, 12 - 15 April 2018, pp.303-304

Treatment of Traumatic Eye Proptosis in a Dog

3rd Internatinal Vetistanbul Group Congress, Saraybosna, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 17 - 20 May 2016

Yırtıcı Kanatlılarda İlk Yardım ve Taşıma

I. Yaban Hayvanları Kongresi Eğitim Semineri, Turkey, 27 - 30 May 2015

Yaban hayatı rehabilitasyon merkezi nedir

I. Yaban Hayvanları Kongresi, Turkey, 27 - 30 May 2015, pp.34

Effect of free creatine therapy on cisplatin induced renal damage

47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology (ESPN), 18 - 20 September 2014, vol.1, pp.1685

Prosthetic material application in abdominal rupture of a pregnant cat

Southern European Veterinary Conference, Barselona, Spain, 29 September - 02 October 2011

The Effects Of Electromagnetic Fields To Whole Protein Myelin Basic Protein And Neuron Specific Enolase Profiles In Rat Brains

3rd East Mediterranean ICLAS (International Council for Laboratory Animal Science) Symposium XV. ICLAS General Assembly, 13 - 15 January 2011, pp.60

Gebe bir kedide abdominal kas rupturu olgusunda mersilen meş uygulması

IV. Veteriner Jinekoloji Kongresi (Uluslararası Katılımlı), Turkey, 4 - 07 November 2010

Mangal adenocarcinoma in a budgerigar Melopsittacus undulates

European Society of Veterinary Pathology, 26th Annual Meeting, 17 - 21 September 2008

Books & Book Chapters


Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Yayınları, Samsun, 2023

Cerrahide Alternatif Yöntemler

in: VETERİNER GENEL CERRAHİ, Özaydın İsa, Editor, ANKARA NOBEL TIP KİTABEVLERİ, Ankara, pp.143-154, 2022

Kedi ve Köpeklerde Radyografik İncelemenin Teşhiste Önemi

in: Türkiye Kilinikleri Veteriner Bilimleri Cerrahi Özel Konular/ Kedi ve Köpeklerde Radyografik Tanı Yöntemleri ve Yorumlanması, Topal A., Gül Satar N., Çeçen Ayalp G., Editor, Ortadoğu Reklam Tanıtım Yayıncılık Turizm Eğitim İnçaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., Ankara, pp.1-4, 2021

Episodes in the Encyclopedia




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